Bash scripting tips
Understanding [
and [[
Square brackets are a shorthand notation for performing a conditional test. [
and [[
are commands in Unix.
is a builtin command, while [[
is a keyword
$ type -a [
[ is a shell builtin
[ is /usr/bin/[
$ type -a [[
[[ is a shell keyword
is same as test
command. Two statements below have same outcome:
if [ "$myvar" = 'success' ]; then ...
if test "$myvar" = 'success'; then ...
[[ is bash’s improvement to the [ command. It has more syntactical features:
- handles string comparison without quotes
- has
operator for regexif [ $myvar =~ ^suc.*s$ ]
- can use
Use log function
err() {
echo "[$(date +'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z')]: $*" >&2
err() {
echo "[$(date +'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z')]: $*"
log "doing_something"
if ! do_something; then
err "Unable to do_something"
Redirect all logs to file
readonly LOG_FILE="~/mylogs/script.log"
touch $LOG_FILE
# Open standard out at `$LOG_FILE` for write.
exec 1>$LOG_FILE
# standard error ends up going to wherever standard out goes.
exec 2>&1
Above does not redirect output for subporocesses.
Concatenate String
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# method 1
foo="I like"
foo+=" Bash Scripting."
# method 2
foo="I like"
bar="Bash Scripting."
foobar="$foo $bar"
# method 3
foo="${foo}ing Bash Scripting is fun."
Default value for variable
Parentheses () vs. Braces {}
Parentheses cause the commands to be run in a subshell, and braces cause the commands to be grouped together but not in a subshell.
User Input
read -p "Enter your name [Anuradha]: " name
echo $name